year: 2021
copies: 5
Closed dimensions: 14 x 17 x 3 cm
Opened dimensions: 420 x 17 cm
paper: Satin translucent 185g; Fedrigoni century Soho 300g;
bookbinding: Leporello
printing: digital printing
If each of us is multifaceted, how can we convey this complexity in a collective dimension while still maintaining our individual distinctiveness within it? We exist because we possess a body, memories, because we engage in play and collide, and because sooner or later, we will fade away.
The book serves as a method of interweaving these layers, affording the reader the capacity to recombine them and generate novel subjectivities—fragmented, hybrid, akin to a "cadavre exquis".
Photo: Ipercubo